Biblical & Pilgrimage Tours

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Biblical and Pilgrimage Tours from the East to the West places in between specially planned itineraries by Telescope Int'l Travel for Christians. They help people many narratives from Bible. We provide Holyland Tours, Pilgrimage Tours and Biblical Tours to Israel, Turkey, Italy, Jordan, Egypt, Greece, France and Poland. Many narratives from the Old Testament to the specific focus, reading the narratives of faith as we study the Biblical Text. The life of Christ also comes alive in real and exciting ways.
As God leads and provides, we extend a personal welcome to you in joining us at the path of Lord! 

Biblical Turkey; Many people do not think of Turkey as a Bible Land. After Jerusalem was conquered by the Babylonians and the temple destroyed, many Jews were dispersed outside of Israel, a period called the Exile. Later Asia Minor / Anatolia (Modern Turkey) became home of numerous Diaspora Jewish Communities. A Hellenistic kingdom called the Seleucids settled 2000 Jewish families in Phrygia and Lydia. Paul's family was probobly settled in Tarsus. Here the believers were first called Christians. For the rest of the first century the land of Turkey became the center for the growing Christian movement. The three great apostles; Paul, Peter and John are linked with churches in Turkey. As we look at the Bible, there are a number of references to Turkey (Asia Minor) in the Old Testament. The Seven Churches of Revelation also located in Turkey (Asia Minor) Ephesus, Smyrna, Pergamum, Thyatira, Sardis, Philadelphia, Laodicea.

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